PJHS Creative Outlet Theatre Club

Sponsors: Mrs. Melissa Strickland

  • (8th-Drama room)


The Creative Outlet theatre club is for students interested in learning about theatre, specifically acting.  The goal of the club is to experience theatre, learn about theatre, and get involved in theatre (as much as the student would like.) Club members may elect to perform acting and musical theatre pieces to enter into the Alabama Conference of Theatre Trumbauer Jr. competition in February/March.  Some students in the club may also be selected to be actors or crew members for the spring play, auditions for which are open to all PJHS students. While we don't have regular meetings or activities for club during the day, there may be volunteer opportunities, after school workshops, or other activities.   There will also be two field trips offered to members of the club. 

Club members have opportunities to do the following:

  • Work with Mrs. Strickland to choose and cut a competition piece

  • Work with other adults or PHS theatre students to improve competition pieces

  • Memorize at home and/or work on own or with partner as needed beyond school time

  • Possibly assist with the spring play or fall show

  • Work and participate in any possible fundraisers  

  • Meet as a group to see productions at PHS or other local theatres 
  • Volunteer (for ITS points) at school or local theatres for organization, production, or publicity/advocacy     
  • Field trip to Alabama Shakespeare Festival to see a Schoolfest production (usually $35-40 per show)

Meeting times:  

There will not be many after-school meetings unless a special workshop is scheduled. Individual rehearsal times for events or productions will be scheduled by Mrs. Strickland.

Fall Show & Spring Play: 

I know many of you will want to be involved in the fall show and spring play.  Theatre club members are not required to do either, but it will certainly be great if you want to help or participate!  In addition, the fall show will likely include pieces students will be planning on entering in the spring Theatre for Youth competition. However, cast members for the spring play will be determined by audition; crew members will be determined by application.  Audition and application dates will be announced later, although they usually take place in early December.  All students at PJHS will be allowed to participate in the play even if they are not in the Creative Outlet Club.  

Club Dues: 

There is a club due of $35.00 per school year.  This should be paid by Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024. This deadline is FIRM, as t-shirts must be ordered at one time. Club dues will be used for purchase of a club t-shirt, induction into the International Thespian Society (points requirement), to purchase items for club activities and competition fees, and ITS club dues.  The money will go in the club account from which the theatre program draws and may also be used for items/needs for any productions.  Club dues will be paid on GoFan this year, so your child does NOT have to bring money to school! Yay!  Students will get a handout on Friday; I will have an interest meeting at break on Friday, August 16, and also have handouts available by the theatre board Friday.

Additional Notes:  

If a student is failing classes, or has behavior or attendance issues, the sponsor reserves the right to remove the student from the club and/or not allow participation in activities or field trips.   

In addition, parents need to pick up students PROMPTLY when rehearsal times are over; please keep in mind that Mrs. Strickland has other obligations, appointments, and family needs, and cannot stay an extra 30-60 minutes to wait for students to be picked up. Rehearsals and meetings will also end on time so that parents can make plans and arrangements as well.  Thank you for your consideration in this matter!


Melissa Strickland
PJHS Creative Outlet Theatre Club Info

Spring Play info: Generic forms--forms available at school contain dates and other info

Fall Showcase Audition Info/Form